Clutter to Sustainable Cashflow: Sell Used Lab Equipment


"Old is gold" - But far we are not taking here about precious metals, we are referring to your used lab equipment. Those dusty spectrometers and idle microscopes tucked away in the corner wait to be discovered as hidden treasures that have value. 

Picture your laboratory as a dynamic entity, constantly evolving with the ebbs and flows of scientific discovery. Your equipment, therefore, should mirror this ceaseless progression. 

Often, many institutions amass a stockpile of used lab equipment, which gradually fades into obscurity. After all, who has used an outdated centrifuge when newer iterations promise faster results with increased efficiency? 

Rather than allow these appliances to gather dust or end up in a landfill, consider selling them off to a professional used lab equipment dealer, such as Relabbed

This might seem like an additional chore, but this strategy can be surprisingly beneficial on multiple fronts:

  • Financial gain for further research endeavours.
  • Enhanced lab efficiency by decluttering your workspace.
  • Contributing towards environmental sustainability by promoting the reuse and recycling of old machinery.
  • Eliminate future WEEE disposal costs

These reasons compound into a compelling argument on why selling your old lab equipment is a wise choice! 

It is estimated that the used lab equipment stands at between 8-12% of the value of new equipment sales per year. However, in the UK this number is significantly less - mainly driven by high funding levels and rules around buying new product only. SO there is a significant market demand for your used products.

Lab Manager selling lab equipment

Financial Benefits: Unearthing Hidden Value 

Selling your old lab equipment might feel strange at first. However, buoyant second-hand markets surround us with cars, furniture and electronics. So why not with Lab Equipment? Think about all those high-value instruments and benchtop equipment stashed away, collecting dust. They might not be serving any purpose in your lab anymore, but they have value to others in the UK and around the Globe. 

You could recoup a significant portion of your initial investment by cashing in on this value. By selling your used lab equipment, you quickly unlock the possibility to upgrade your existing equipment. Imagine swapping out your outdated spectrometer for a shiny new one with improved features that make your work faster and more accurate. 

Or they were exchanging that clunky centrifuge for a sleek, more efficient and less noisy model. If money was initially an obstacle in getting that much-needed upgrade, selling old devices can provide a financial boost. 

Selling used lab equipment can also expand your research capacity. With additional funds, you could invest in specialised cutting-edge equipment previously out of reach for your budget. This means delving into new research areas or enhancing existing projects by applying more sophisticated techniques and methodologies. 

Labs could be more spacious, so why allow unused bulky equipment to hog valuable space? Cash them out; reinvest them into new equipment or emerging research avenues to facilitate scientific progression and efficiency within the workspace. 

On top of these financial benefits, consider this: by selling what's old, you're practising sustainability through intelligent asset management! 

Lab manager with calaculator

Lab Efficiency Benefits: Streamlining Workflows

By selling your old lab equipment, you maintain an organised workspace and bring significant efficiency benefits by streamlining workflows. When every piece of equipment serves a specific purpose and is in constant use, tasks are accomplished more efficiently and in less time. Moreover, using modernised equipment often means faster processing speeds, fewer reagents and higher accuracy levels. 

This reduces the likelihood of errors or glitches that might slow down productivity. Deciding to declutter your laboratory by selling unused apparatus can also lead to better space utilisation. 

A cluttered lab environment with unused, outdated equipment increases the risk of accidents and hinders easy mobility. You free up space for more pertinent machinery or even primary workstations by ridding your lab of unnecessary items. This can improve the functionality of the lab by improving working conditions or bringing in new personnel. 

Enhancing productivity is yet another undeniable advantage offered by this clever move. When you clear out older machines that consume high energy and require frequent servicing, you make way for innovative technology that minimises downtime due to maintenance work or technical hitches. 

Selling old laboratory equipment and instruments contributes towards efficiency improvements on multiple fronts - through streamlined operations or enhanced productivity in an uncluttered workspace. 

A sustainable Lab Manager cartoon

Sustainability Benefits: Embracing Environmental Stewardship

In a world increasingly becoming aware of its environmental footprints, embracing the practice of selling your used lab equipment can be seen as a significant step towards environmental stewardship. When you sell used lab equipment, you make financial gains and reduce the pressure on natural resources. 

Reducing waste is another compelling reason for this practice. Functional lab equipment is often discarded merely because they are outdated or no longer required for specific experiments. 

However, these pieces still hold value and can be used elsewhere. A used lab equipment dealer can help find these redundant tools a new home where they continue their useful life rather than being relegated prematurely to the scrap heap. 

Extending the equipment lifecycle by up to 10 years also plays into this aspect. We are prolonging their lifespan by selling old or surplus lab devices. 

This further minimises wastage and promotes efficiency - giving them a second life to fulfil their potential completely! Also worth mentioning is the significant reduction of energy in manufacturing new models when used ones can serve just as efficiently. 

It encourages what is known as the circular economy model - where we try to keep resources in use for as long as possible and then recover and regenerate products at the end of each service life. This model starkly contrasts with our traditional linear 'take-make-dispose' method, which creates immense waste and depletes resources at an alarming rate. 

So, when we speak about selling old used lab equipment, it isn't just about unearthing value or boosting operational efficiency; sustainability is equally vital in this narrative. It allows individuals and organisations to contribute positively to maintaining ecological equilibrium while effectively meeting our scientific goals. 


It is clear that trading in your old lab used lab equipment with a specialist dealer is not merely a financially sound decision but one that also champions efficiency and sustainability. The financial benefits are often immediate and tangible – you unearth hidden value from obsolete gear, upgrade to better apparatus without breaking the bank, and even free up resources to expand your research scope. 

Who would have thought a dusty old centrifuge could help fund its replacement? And then there's the question of streamlining workflows – a cleaner and leaner lab is undoubtedly more efficient. You set the stage for enhanced productivity with less clutter and more room for crucial operations. When you're not tripping over outdated microscopes or struggling with an avalanche of redundant test tubes every time you open a storage closet, efficacy comes naturally. 

Beyond the fiscal value and efficiency strides lies an even greater incentive – sustainability. By selling used lab equipment, we embrace environmental stewardship practically, minimising waste and protentially doubling equipment lifecycles while promoting a circular economy where resources are optimally utilised before disposal. 

We look optimistically towards greener labs where every piece of equipment adds value and contributes to efficiency while championing sustainability - it all starts with a small step. Who knew changing the world could begin with as simple an act as unloading that old spectrophotometer? 

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